Bus 21/121 is canceled this afternoon through 2/4/2022, this affects the high school, middle school Waterford and Harrison elementary schools.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Palmer
Reminder: The last day of the second quarter is Friday, January 28. 2nd quarter report cards will go home the week of February 7.
about 3 years ago, Jessica McGreevy
All OHMS students have access to cloudLibrary ebooks and audiobooks! This is a collection of over 20,000 ebooks and audiobooks that students can access from anywhere, on any device (an internet connection is needed initially, but students can download ebooks to read offline). Students can log in to cloudLibrary with their Student ID #. https://ebook.yourcloudlibrary.com/library/oxfordhills/Featured Students can also check out books from the library from either campus!
about 3 years ago, Jessica McGreevy
Library Shelves
OHMS Community- Just a reminder that Wednesday Early Release is tomorrow. South Campus will dismiss at 1:40 and North Campus will dismiss at 1:52.
about 3 years ago, Jessica McGreevy