THANK YOU PTO for the snacks and beverages-the staff greatly appreciate them.
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Drinks from pto
snacks from pto
PTO Meeting tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PTO meeting tonight
Waterford/Harrison PTO Meeting- Tuesday, December 13th.
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
PTO Meeting
Survey from Healthy Oxford Hills
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Complete Survey
Waterford Community Tree lighting will now be on Sunday!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Waterford Tree Lighting
Harrison is getting ready for #WinterKidsWinterGames Our supplies were delivered today-Some cool prizes for our students who participate too! Thank you to WinterKids staff for delivering, and to a few 6th graders for helping to carry the boxes inside!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
6th grader carrying in boxes of WinterKids gear
6th grader carrying in boxes of WinterKids gear
Thank you WinterKids for our suppies!
Information on the importance of attendance in school-Our goal is 90% or higher! There are some great helpful tips-Thank you for working with us to help get our students to school each day!!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison attendance data  until november
Attendance works tips
Substitute Orientation-December 6, 2022
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Substitute Orientation- Dec. 6, 2022
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break students, staff, and families!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Welcome back-we missed you
Happy Thanksgiving!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Happy Thanksgiving
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Supplies needed for Gingerbead houses
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
winter recess reminder
Harrison/Waterford Families! As part of our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) work, each school will be starting a school wide pom-pom reward jar! When each school reaches their line, a school wide reward will be earned for everyone to celebrate! Students earn pom-poms by being recognized for their Responsible, Respectful, or Safe choices. This is done by getting a Wildcat or Husky Award. When they bring their award to the office, the secretary will give them a pom-pom to add to our jar. We can't wait to see their great choices add up to a school wide celebration!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
earning school wide reward
Harrison Families! We are updating our Home-School Compact and need your feedback. Please complete this short survey to help share your suggestions for how we can all work together to support students. (Also being sent home on paper) Each student whose family returns a survey, paper or online, will earn that student(s) a pom-pom to be added to our school wide reward jar! We are working on earning another popcorn day during lunch! Thank you for sharing your feedback and helping us earn popcorn!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
we want your feedback
Fudge Fundraiser Reminder: Due FRIDAY!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
fudge forms due friday
Harrison Elementary is seeking an Educational Technician One to work with our students. Please forward to anyone who is interested. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Harrison Elementary School is seeking a 5th Grade STEM/Writing teacher. Please forward to anyone who may be interested.
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, Mrs. Emery, our school principal, would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Mrs. Emery, school principal
EXCITING NEWS from Harrison Elementary! We are proud to share that HES will once again be #GoingForTheGold in the 2023 WinterKids Winter Games! We will compete with schools across the state in a variety of activities as we strive to get active and learning during January and February. Families, we will be needing your help to-so stay tuned!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
WinterKids logo
As part of our Harrison Elementary School Husky Half-hour, each student created a "feather" for our school wide "Thankfulness Turkey." Students were encouraged to write things they are thankful for! Sure does help to brighten up our school lobby!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Thankful turkey-students made handprint feathers