Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, Ms. Struck, our school social worker, would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Ms. Stuck school social worker
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, the Sixth Grade Team (Ms. Linck and Mr. Ripley) would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
6th grade team
Spirit Week! Week of October 31st - November 4th
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Spirit Week
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, the Special Education Team (Mrs. Murch and Ms. G) would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
special education staff
Harrison Book Fair ends Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
book fair ends monday
************************************************************************************* Attention all families: Please take this 5 minute survey from MaineHealth. Even if you completed the survey last year, we need your participation again! Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize drawing and five lucky winners across the state will each receive a $100 Amazon gift card for their personal use AND if you win, our school will receive $1,000. Other schools are participating, so the more families from our school who complete the survey, the greater our chance of winning $1,000! Contact information for the prize drawing will be collected at the end of the survey and will not be connected to your survey responses. All survey responses are anonymous. Click the following link to begin the survey: https://redcap.link/2022FamilySCH Thank you! Best regards, Emily Walters, MPH Director, Let's Go! Center for Health Improvement at MaineHealth *************************************************************************************
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, the Fifth Grade Team (Mrs. Crosen and Mrs. Brown) would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
5th grade team
Coming soon to a bus near you!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Positive bus behavior tickets  coming soon
Harrison Fire/Rescue Open House Sunday, October 16 1:00-4:00pm
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison fire rescue open house
PTO Meeting tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Oct. PTO meeting
PTO Meeting October 11th
almost 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
PTO Meeting October 11
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, the Fourth Grade Team (Mrs. Laperle and Ms Merritt) would like to say hello!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
4th grade team
As part of the Harrison PBIS work, we set a goal of getting at least 88% daily attendance during the month of September. This required the teamwork of all students and families to come to school when they were able---Well HES, we did it!! We had a daily student attendance rate of 88.3% during the month of September! To celebrate, students were given a popcorn treat today during their lunch. Keep it up HES!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Met attendance goal for September!
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, Mr. Bob would like to say hello! Our school custodian is who keeps the school ready for our staff and students.
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Mr bob
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! This week, the Third Grade Team (Mrs. Geer and Mrs. Peterson) would like to say hello!
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
third grade team
Harrison and Waterford continue to implement and refine out PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) program this year. As part of this work, we seek family feedback twice a year to help guide us. Please consider taking a few minutes to answer a few questions at the following survey. There is a unique survey for each school. If you have students in each building, please complete both-as the answers might be different for each school. Thank you for your feedback and support! Harrison----- https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/jWy100v1200 Waterford --- https://www.pbisassessment.org/Anon/iWy107f0Y00
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PBIS survey poster
Reminders: Harrison Open House - Wednesday, September 21st. Visit your child's classroom anytime between 5:30-6:30. School Pictures: Waterford - Thursday, September 22nd Harrison- Friday, September 23rd
about 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Hello Harrison Families! Each week, we will introduce a different group of our Harrison staff! The staff that work at Harrison are an amazing group of educators (anyone who works in a school is an educator; since we all teach students not just academics but also life and social skills!). Both returning and new families alike, we would like to share the people that make learning at Harrison possible-then when you visit next, you will know who we are. This week, Mrs. Fuller would like to say hello! Our school secretary is the one to greet you at the door or answer the phones-she keeps the office running smoothly!
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Mrs. Fuller
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison Open House! Wednesday, September 21 5:30-6:30. Stay as long, or as little, as you want.
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Open House flyer