FREE May Day Play Day-- Saturday May 13 at the High School-sponsored by Interact and Rotary Clubs.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
MayDay Play Day flyer
Harrison Families: Notice of upcoming Spring testing
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
letter from state about spring testing
Information on basketball camp for grades 3rd-9th Link to sign up:
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Basketball camp grades 3-9
Hello Families! Any girls from 3rd to 6th grade looking to play a spring sport, Mrs. Mains is coaching Field hockey. Practices will be on Thursdays and games are held on Sundays. For more information, please email Mrs. Mains at ( ) as soon as possible. She needs numbers for t-shirt orders by 4/15 so they can have them for the first game on 4/30.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Students enjoyed being able to see their artwork on display this week at the Art Show! We have some talented artists at Harrison and Waterford!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Student art work
Student art work
Student art work
HARRISON Spirit Week:
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison Spirit Week
Families you are invited to view the district art show-see the flyer for more information. EVERY student has artwork displayed!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Hours of the art show
Progress Reports are being sent home today!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Progress reports being sent home
Harrison Families: Is your student missing something? Check out our lost then found items-located in the school lobby.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
items from the lost then found
items from the lost then found
Thank you to our HES/WMS PTO for bringing "Mr. Drew and his Animals Too" to each of our schools this week! What a great learning experience!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
HES Students sit on gym floor and watch Mr Drew with animals
Mr. Drew holds a large spider
Mr. Drew holds a large iguana
March is Kindness Month at Harrison Elementary! Here is another post created by 6th grade students (work is unedited, as written by the student).
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
ways to show kindness
PTO has rescheduled the meeting scheduled for Tuesday. Please read the attached flyer. Margaret Emery
over 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
PTO Meeting
Remote Learning Day 3/14/23
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
remote learning day
March is Kindness Month at Harrison Elementary! Here is another post created by 6th grade students (work is unedited, as written by the student).
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
how to be kind on the playground
March is Kindness Month at Harrison Elementary! Here is another post created by 6th grade students (work is unedited, as written by the student).
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
ways to be kind
March is Kindness Month at Harrison Elementary! Here is another post created by 6th grade students (work is unedited, as written by the student).
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
fun to be kind
Dear Families, The School Board has approved remote snow days for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year. Please read the letter at this link.
over 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
March is Kindness Month at Harrison Elementary! 6th grade students were asked to create some social media posts that "Promote Kindness." We will share a few of their creations over the next few days, which were selected by the students (work is unedited, as written by the students).
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Ways to show kindness
Today in 6th grade STEM, we had Mr. Loew from the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District ( to help support our learning on ways we measure water health-for not only humans but for wildlife as well. This fits with our learning that we do with the Lakes Environmental Association on how we can protect our greatest natural resource-WATER!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
investigating Alge
investigating oxygen
working at stations to investigate water quality
investigating water quality
Pre-K Registration Time Children who will be 4 years old on or before October 15, 2023 are eligible for the Pre-Kindergarten programs in the district. To receive an application, please contact Marjorie Scribner at 207.743.8972 Ext 8268 or email . Information about the Pre-Kindergarten program can be found on the MSAD #17 website
over 1 year ago, Margaret Emery