Something new to see in the Harrison School Lobby! Many thanks to Ms. Miranda for painting it!
11 months ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Lobby tree-leaves with what students are thankful for
Holiday Hoorah!
11 months ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Holiday Hoorah flyer
Dear Families, Classroom teachers have already sent out conference times for the week of October 23rd. If you haven't yet responded to your child's teacher with your preferred conference time, please take a moment to do so. You can either call the school office or send a message via SeeSaw to your child's teacher. We greatly value these conferences as they provide us the opportunity to discuss your child's progress and address any concerns or questions you may have. Your active participation in this process is appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. Margaret Emery
12 months ago, Margaret Emery
Newsletter info of meeting place and Zoom link are inaccurate. Updated meeting place is Harrison Elementary School and this is the correct Zoom link: Meeting ID: 859 0089 6695 Passcode: 809699
12 months ago, Margaret Emery
PTO - Location change
Today, we had our first assembly at Harrison-we recognized our students' of the month! These students were selected by staff members for demonstrating outstanding positive choices during the month of September-Great role model choices! We also reviewed our PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) work and whole school goal and reward that we are working towards. We will focus on Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Safety, and Attendance! We concluded by recognizing our August, September, and October birthdays.
12 months ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
September student of month Harrison
Reminder: No school Monday
12 months ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
No school 10/9/23
Good Morning Families, Reminder that today (Thursday, Oct. 5th) and Friday, Oct. 6th are 1/2 days. Harrison students will be dismissed at 12:10 and Waterford students dismissed at 12:15 on both days. Wishing you a wonderful day-Margaret Emery, Principal
12 months ago, Margaret Emery
1/2 Day
The Harrison/Waterford PTO is looking for more Chili Cook-Off Contestants! Sign up here:
12 months ago, Margaret Emery
Chili Cook-Off
Subject: School Picture Reminder Dear Families, A friendly reminder that school pictures will be held on Thursday, September 28th for both Waterford Memorial and Harrison Elementary students. Respectfully, Mrs. Emery
about 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
School Photos
Hope to see you at the first monthly meeting of the 2023-2024 school year! To join via Zoom:
about 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
PTO Meeting
We are thrilled to invite all families to our upcoming open house events. Join us on the dates below for an opportunity to explore your child's learning environment. What a great chance to foster strong connections between home and school, so please mark your calendars and come see the great things happening. We can't wait to welcome you! Waterford Memorial Open House: Sept. 6th from 5:30-6:30 Harrison Elementary Open House: Sept. 13th from 5:30-6:30
about 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
Important Announcement: Bus Schedule Updated!🚌 Good Evening Families- Our bus garage is continuing to work on bus times. You may go onto the district webpage to find your child's latest bus schedule. If you have questions, regarding your times please reach out to the bus garage. WMS Parent Drop Off - 9:00 - 9:15 Parent Pick Up - 3:15 - 3:25 HES Parent Drop Off: 8:50 - 9:00 Parent Pick Up - 3:10 - 3:20
about 1 year ago, Margaret Emery
Harrison Music Concert
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Spring concert
Third graders at HES designed their own islands! Check out some of their cool creations, including maps, 3D printed items, and travel brochures.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
3rd grade islands they made
3rd grade islands they made
Harrison Families----you are invited to join us at school on Wednesday, May 31!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
flyer for family day at Harrison
3rd graders are currently learning about fairy tales-to build community and incorporate engineering practices, some of the 6th graders participated in a "Three Little Pigs House Building Competition!" Students were given materials and one section of tape to create a house that had to hold up to the big bad box fan (wolf). Was great seeing collaboration and teamwork!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
students building houses from materials
students building houses from materials
House being tested
VIP/Father Daughter Dance-see flyer for info.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Flyer for dance
HES Families: As we near the end of the school year, our PBIS team is asking for your feedback. We ask that you complete this 10 minute anonymous survey. We use this feedback to plan activities and Professional Development for next school year. Harrison Families: Even if you have completed the WMS survey, please also share feedback here-as each building is unique. As a thank you to families who complete the survey, we are having a raffle for a gift card to Hannaford! Please complete this survey ( ) where you must tell the missing word from survey question #21 to enter the drawing. Thank you for your feedback and support of positive behaviors in our school and community!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PBIS Family survey graphic
Update from the school nurse on increased illness and strep throat:
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
letter from school nurses-strep throat cases
Third graders used the great weather today to get outside and plant the seedlings they have been growing as part of their science learning! #OutdoorLearning #Learn17 #ScienceInAction
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
3rd graders gardening
3rd graders gardening
3rd graders gardening