Good Evening Vikings,
I hope you all are enjoying a wonderful summer. I want to let you know about two opportunities to support our schools. First, the District Budget Meeting takes place on Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:00 at the Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Forum. At this meeting, citizens "validate" the Board's budget by voting on each warrant article for the school budget. After this meeting, the Budget Referendum will be held in all 8 towns on August 6th.
Here is what the updated proposed budget looks like:
The removal of $2M for facilities. The district will seek a bond to respond to the deferred maintenance.
We've cut several open staff positions to reduce the budget by $819,234. The list is below:
HS Instructional Coach
K-6 Instructional Coach
MS Alternative Education Teacher
MS Ed Tech III
STEM Teacher (.4) at Roberts Farm (We received a grant after the last budget deadline)
Agnes Gray- 2 teaching positions (all AG teachers have a job, these were the two positions left over after the merge with Paris)
Ed Tech at Oxford Elementary School
These cuts allowed us to bring the budget-to-budget increase from 7.52% to 5.91% and to decrease the local share from 14.11% to 10.87%. This brings our total budget to $50,787,939.
Please join us on Tuesday at 6:00 at OHCHS. Click on this link for more details.
Heather Manchester