Sixth Grade families: Important information about Middle School Step up day! This is also being sent home on paper today with students.
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
6th graders in Mr. Ripley's homeroom spent part of their community building time outside today-They were challenged to think of words that represent "Kindness and/or Positivity." As a group, they had to decide how they would display these words for others to view. Take a look at what they created!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Students make chalk displays of words of kindness
Students make chalk displays of words of kindness
Mother/Adult & Son Dance- June 18th
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Mother/Adult & Son Dance- June 18th
Great summer opportunity for students, age 11 and older, who enjoy being outside and building leadership skills!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Garden leadership program
Updated lunch menu for May
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
May 2022 lunch menu
If any students are interested in basketball-here is a great program.
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Green and gold camp information
Green and gold camp information and pricing
Families of Harrison 3rd and 6th graders-You are invited!!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
family event invitation for 3rd and 6th graders
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Please consider joining the PTO on Tuesday night at 5pm for their monthly Zoom meeting. More information here:
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
2022-2023 School Calendar (NEXT SCHOOL YEAR)
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
2022-2023 school calendar
Oxford Hills Boosters Lacrosse Grades K-3. Information is available at the link:
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Info for Little Laxers
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Harrison Elementary Families: Beginning Tuesday, April 12th breakfast will be served once again in school. Students will no longer bring breakfast home in the afternoon. Please call if you have questions. Respectfully-Margaret Emery
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Hello Families, Here is the March, 2022 Principal Newsletter. Respectfully, Margaret Emery
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Harrison Spirit Week!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison Spirit week 2022
Harrison Elementary School-- slight change in dismissal times-Please read for more information on where/how to drop off and pick up students.
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Dismissal information
Please consider being a substitute!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Substitute Orientation April 5th
Thank you to all the students and families who visited our schools on Thursday for our spring conferences! We loved the opportunity to share growth and set goals for the rest of the year.
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates