If you have a student in 4th, 5th, or 6th grade and they would like to play an instrument -please check out the following links to learn more! Welcome video ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V_m0USnRWFyhrbhiaZj2pBQiOHVW-RjW/view?usp=sharing ) Family letter ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f0maCpCEKkNc3bw9g6-4diM-eiob-BDWqkCBfX879Tc/edit?usp=sharing ) Rental Flyer ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/14JKavUECRSkt-EG2bMXoLgDDs_RfwTfL/view?usp=sharing )
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison Elementary School is competing to win a grant to help support our goal of keeping students active during the winter-using the funds to purchase outdoor gear. If able, please help us by voting for HES at his link ( https://winterkids.org/portfolio-item/harrison-elementary-school/ ). The images show where to find Harrison in the list
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
HES landing page for grant voting
Vote for HES
Reminder: Wednesday, August 31st is the first day of school for students in grades 1st-6th at Harrison Elementary and Waterford Memorial. This is a FULL Day for our students.-Early Release Days will begin Wednesday, September 7th. Kindergarten students will have a staggered start this week PreK begins with staggered starts during the week of September 5th. Looking forward to seeing our hallways filled with students!
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Bus riders: This year, as part of our District's work around PBIS, the transportation team has created a matrix of district wide expectations for bus riders (no matter the location or grade level). We encourage families to help support this work by reviewing expectations with their student.
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Bus expectations
Information for Parent Pick Up and Drop Off at Waterford Memorial and Harrison Elementary https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iXA0T4hbYpzv4lYucoYXA9EZDf0xVXb0ZWjwKo53mBQ/edit?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Bus Routes: The bus routes have been posted on our MSAD17 webpage. If you click the link below, it will take you directly to this information. This document is updated daily because families are registering everyday. If your bus stop is not on this list, check it again on Friday for updates. If you have not registered your child(ren) for the bus, go to our MSAD 17 webpage and sign up. https://www.msad17.org/o/ohsd/page/bus-routes
about 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Bus Routes
Wednesday, August 31st is the first day of school for students in grades 1st-6th at Harrison Elementary and Waterford Memorial. This is a FULL Day for our students. Kindergarten students will have a staggered start this week. Prek begins with staggered starts during the week of September 5th. There is NO Early Release Day on August 31st. Early Release Days will begin Wednesday, September 7th. Looking forward to seeing our hallways filled with students.
about 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Welcome Back
Update from Harrison's new Tuesday PE teacher. "Hi everyone!! My name is Ms.Roberts and I am excited to be the PE teacher alongside Mrs. Tibbetts. I will be the PE teacher on Tuesdays. I live in Woodstock along with my fiance and our two boys Charlie and Elijah. Charlie is 18 months and Elijah is 3 months. I love to be outside, and I enjoy sports very much. I am excited to meet you all soon and we are going to have a great year together. You can contact me at a.roberts@msad17.org Have a great last few weeks of summer, and I can't wait to see you all so soon."
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
4th grade welcome back letter and supply list
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
4th welcome back letter
4th supply list
3rd grade summer letter and supply list!
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
3rd grade summer letter
3rd grade supply list 2022
5th grade summer letter and supply list.
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
5th grade summer letter
5th grade supply list
Welcome back letter from 6th grade!
about 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
6th grade welcome back letter
6th grade supply list
about 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Substitute Orientation-August 2nd
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Substitute Orientation
Summer breakfast and Lunch program
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Summer Food Program
Last day of school is June 21: Family Pick up at 11:45 Bus dismissal at 12:00
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Last Day of School 2022
PTO NEWS: Tuesday, June 14 will be the final meeting of the Harrison/Waterford PTO for the 2021-2022 school year. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend virtually on Tuesday, June 14 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. The agenda is attached. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZpbAWsrJ-XnrTxFYrrDf5is0S3NTLUSPF-BPBuIJjKY/edit?usp=drive_web Join Zoom Meeting: https://msad17.zoom.us/j/86836394624?pwd=SjlnWVJPTEJ3cEx3YWFpeWJEM2w1UT09 Meeting ID: 868 3639 4624 Passcode: 222476 Additionally, the PTO is actively planning for the 4th of July Duck Race held in Waterford each year. This is one of the PTO's larger fundraisers with proceeds supporting students, staff, and the schools. With that, we're looking for your support. Please consider: making a prize donation (could include wares, gift cards, prize baskets, etc.) selling Duck Race tickets volunteering on Race Day to sell tickets, waters, popsicles Should you like to support the PTO's efforts in making this event a great success, please reach out to me or any member of the Duck Race Committee for more information. Duck Race Committee Members: Ed Girzone Jamie Hudson Elizabeth Merrill Kelley Halter-Schaeffer Jamie Toohey Timberly Wentworth In appreciation, Jamie
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Dear Families, Our school year is coming to an end and I want to thank each and every family for your support and opportunity to work with your child(ren). We faced challenges this year, as always, we faced them together and came out stronger. I wish your family a safe, wonderful summer. For our last week of school, we have a few events: Tuesday, June 14th: 2nd Graders travel to Harrison for Step-Up Day 9:15-1:00 Thursday, June 16th: 6th Grade Celebration 5:30-6:30 Friday, June 17th: Field Day 12:15-2:15 Monday, June 20th: No School - Holiday -Juneteenth Tuesday, June 21st: Last day of school Dismissal Times: 11:45-12:00 Parent Pick Up/ 12:00-12:15 Bus Pick Up
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Waterford Memorial and Harrison Elementary where it all began for these Seniors. Seniors taking their final march through their elementary schools. "Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off an away! And YOU are the person who'll decide where to go." Dr. Seuss
over 2 years ago, Margaret Emery
Seniors' March
Senior's March
Harrison Playgroung
Seniors' March through Waterford Memorial and Harrison Elementary
End of year events at Harrison!
over 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
End of year events HES 2022